Energy healing, and SRT are considered alternative, complementary approaches and do not replace the need for traditional medical care through your physician or licensed professional.
You should not stop, add, or change any medication or traditional treatment, without the advice, consent and direction of your physician. You are advised to seek the care of a licensed professional for any physical, mental or emotional concerns.
Ashlee Rose DiSalvo and The Clear Estate are not licensed for their Complementary or Alternative Medicine (CAM) modalities. The sessions we offer are complementary to healing arts and services licensed or regulated by the state where the client lives as well as the State of California or any other state where a practitioner under The Clear Estate practices.
All channeling and communing is subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute. All readings given by Ashlee or any person associated with The Clear Estate are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading.
A reading does not replace professional medical/legal/business opinion and advice. It will not force you to follow a particular course of action, or attempt to exert any form of control over your free-will and common sense.
The contents of any reading is not legally binding. Any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of your session are your sole responsibility and have not been forced upon you, by me, or your practitioner.
We at The Clear Estate assume no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, my readings.
You, the client, agree to completely hold harmless and absolutely indemnify The Clear Estate, Ashlee DiSalvo and any persons associated with The Clear Estate from any and all liabilities and expenses.
Any practitioners working for The Clear Estate will not be held liable if any future depicted in any reading has not come to pass, or if it has. The future is ever changing, a single action can shift everything that could occur and so readings are only a glimpse at a current future that could change at any moment; because of this any number of futures exist and we cannot be held accountable if the one depicted did not come to pass.
Please use your own common sense and judgment at all times.
It is only with the complete understanding and acceptance of the above that your reading will take place.
All information exchanged between client and any practitioner working under The Clear Estate during readings and/or emails shall remain confidential. No personal information shall be passed on to anyone, including third parties.
In Preparation:
This type of energy work focuses on clearing old stagnant energy blocks out to make space for a new energy flow. The term “release” is used to refer to your body's physical response to the work. It is normal for a client to feel emotional during the releasing process. Physical responses can range from crying to laughing, trembling to feelings of weight being lifted from the body. The process can feel different for everyone. However, at no point during a session should you feel sick or in pain. Although this process can be overwhelming it should ultimately provide feelings of calm consistent positive energy at completion. For this purpose and the fact that this is your session please communicate with the practitioner to let them know if their pace is too fast or if you are feeling uncomfortable at any time. This can be an indicator of the need for more work around a specific topic, relationship, or lifetime.
There can be words of phrases used in a context which may not be common knowledge to you as the client. Please feel free to ask questions if there are words or phrases you do not know. The practitioner should outline for you what each phase of the clearing is and what most key words mean but if you have further questions or feel that a certain word is triggering you please let us know - again this could indicate that there needs to be more clearing done around that word or information brought up while using it.
You are encouraged to be as comfortable as possible during the session. There is no proper way to position the body during this healing. The most important part of this type of session - being remote or in person - is that you can hear the practitioner. The healing will happen either way but staying in an open path of communication allows you, the client, to be more deeply involved in your healing and ask questions consciously which can add a layer of release unlike that of a remote session completed without physical or audible contact.
There are four major life aspects the practitioner will discuss with you prior to the start of the clearing. This is done to set intentions for the clearing. Although it is not mandatory to clear around each one it is a good practice for reflecting before the session in an effort to start directing the healing energy into the body, connect with the client, and open to the work. The aspects are MONEY, HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS, and CAREER. Money refers to your relationship with money, your income, savings, cash flow, investments, home, etc. Career is different in that it refers to life purpose, goals, fulfillment in work, drive, time, etc. Relationships refer to ALL relationships not just intimate but including, colleagues, friends, in-laws, etc. Health refers to mental, physical, AND spiritual health. By reflecting on these aspects it helps the client to begin to release and open to the energy work by giving it focus. This in a way better prepares the subconscious for work.
Every session is uniquely different for each client. Although the Foundational Clearing follows a process set forth by the Spiritual Response Association it is not guaranteed that all of it will be complete within the allotted time for the first session. The same is such for Inner Child and Father/Mother processes as well as Brain Restructuring and Mantra work. As with any form of energy work, consistent work is encouraged to maximize healing. Monthly sessions are highly recommended.
What is SRT?
At The Clear Estate our main purpose is to use a specific type of energy work to CLEAR any subconscious blocking that may be caused from trauma (in this life or past lives) in order to ESTablish a STATE of beingness which promotes the highest potential in all aspects of your life.
The preferred healing method at The Clear Estate is Spiritual Response Therapy which works like a spiritual alignment of sorts. If you were to see a Chiropractor they would help put the bones in your body back into their intended alignment in order to prevent chronic pain, injury, and illness. SRT helps the client to realign their spiritual self, intentions, and goals with their physical body and its reality in this lifetime. This helps to prevent chronic emotional pain, spiritual dilemmas, and sometimes (by extension of the aforementioned) even physical illness. Similarly with a chiropractor there may need to be therapy prior to the alignment to help the muscles relax in order to allow for a more painless adjustment. The SRT prep process is the therapy which helps to clear blocks to the spirit when it attempts to align so as to provide a smoother adjustment - one which is quick and easy. These blocks like muscles build over time and resist the alignment in a stronger way when there is trauma. So just as an injured back muscle might throw out a rib so an absent mother might block a clients openness to maternal love.
The difference with clinical therapy and spiritual response therapy is the spiritual aspect. For the example mentioned, instead of purely looking at the trauma caused in the lifetime (this reality) SRT extends beyond this lifetime to karma caused in past lives or parallel lives between you and mom. This type of therapy far exceeds the ability of a clinical therapy session in that an absent mother is no longer there to provide clarity to the client as to why she left. With SRT the practitioner does not need mom there, instead they use a process of meditation, intention setting, grounding, and a very specific preparation process to access the client's Akashic Record in order to study the energy held between the client and mom across many lifetimes. This energy creates a path of breadcrumbs in a way which guides the practitioner, using specific SRA charts, to create a case study of that relationship. The practitioner may receive guidance through visions, feelings, sounds, or movements of the pendulum and assistance from the charts in a trained way. This is why the practitioner must go through a certification process of over 50 hours with a mentor and over a month of practice with family and friends before they are given permission to work on paying clients.
The SRT process is not based in any one specific religion but rather aims to encompass help and guidance from all religious guides, masters, energies, and light bodies. This work is always done in love and light and by this definition works to only allow source energy from the sphere of radiant love - meaning that dark energies or negative interpretations or renditions of past life events of any sort are not welcome during any channeling or reading.
As with any form of therapy the power of the work is in the openness of the client. “ If you believe it you will achieve it” is a powerful statement - once you buy into the work and allow yourself to be surprised it allows the bandwidth of information channeled by the practitioner to widen providing a deeper more thorough clearing and thus a more robust healing. Imagination is the seat of magik!
As with all forms of healing prevention is a huge part of the process which is an important focus for practitioners at The Clear Estate. Not only will we help provide the maximum healing for any session but will also channel further preventative work which will be specific to each client. This creates a space for learning where the practitioner may systematically guide or direct the client to further their spiritual practice in order to encompass other forms of self led practices like meditation, candle magic, intention setting, affirmation work, and more. Your preventative plan will be discussed further by your practitioner.
Refund Policy:
There are NO REFUNDS for any services rendered. Refunds for services not yet rendered will be offered on a case-by-case basis and are solely left up to Ashlee (the owner) based on circumstance. We appreciate the understanding.