Spiritual Response Therapy: How it Works

Step 1:
Intention Setting
At the beginning of each session we get clear on where you have been experiencing blockages in your daily life with different people, places, and things.
Step 2: Connection
Just as a modem connects your home to your internet provider through a physical connection (land line) the SRT practitioner works in a similar way with your spiritual connection. The practitioner converts the communication received from your higher self and translates it into a way that you can comprehend and use.
Step 3:
Past life research
Once the connection has been established the practitioner uses a special research process set forth by the SRA (Spiritual Response Association). This procedure is completed by dowsing with a pendulum over 30 charts designed by the founder of the association.
Step 4:
Once the research has been done the practitioner will sum the information up into a personalized action plan which can be used to maintain the clearing until the next session. Longterm goal setting, advanced spiritual routines, diverse practices, performance challenges, and an accountability schedule may be set as a part of a larger mentorship package.
Get the clarity you deserve.
Spiritual Response Therapy:
What is it?
Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a quick and accurate spiritual healing technique that helps you remove blocks that prevent you from living a happier life. SRT works on a wholistic level to help eliminate spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical challenges. The process of SRT involves a meticulous step by step protocol using a 32-chart based system to research the subconscious mind and Soul records to discover and release programs and blocks limiting your full self-expression. Spiritual Response Therapy is a comprehensive and powerful healing modality which can enhance all areas of life.
The technique was created by an American man named Robert Deztler in the 1980's.
What to Expect During a Session
During a session, the practitioner works with a book of 32 charts and a pendulum for guidance. Using a methodical question-based process and a pendulum, the practitioner is directed through the chart system to identify where programs and blocks are being held. These programs and blocks are systematically identified, researched, and cleared. Once these energies are cleared, the subconscious mind and Soul retains the wisdom and lessons learned and is empowered to fully self-express. Because you are participating during the session, you will experience a deeper understanding of yourself and how to bring about positive change in your life.
Clients are encouraged to prepare for a Spiritual Response Therapy session by creating a list of current challenges, issues, or problem areas in different areas of their life. Common issues fall within these primary four areas: money and finances; career or life path; relationships; and health, weight, and/or wellbeing.
Clients can expect their first session to last between 60 -90 minutes. Sessions thereafter typically last between 30 - 60 minutes or less. Distance and absentee Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is provided regardless of your location. Distance SRT is ideal for those unable to receive a session due to geographical constraints and want to be engaged and present for the session via phone or Zoom. Absentee SRT is ideal for those that prefer to receive a session without being present and prefer to receive session notes upon the completion of the session.
See the opening prayer for each session in the video below.